DRUMZ, 3700 Kerbey Lane, was created by owner Sherry Gingras with a vision to help raise the consciousness and appreciation for world music and world instruments as the SEEDS for POSSIBILITY in creating a gentler and more compassionate planet. Music IS our Universal language! Community music making is our birthright and possibly our salvation! Music must be a recognized part of the very fabric of our lives if we are to build healthy and caring communities! Drumming is a powerful vibrational pathway that offers us a direct link to SPIRIT and the opportunity to REMEMBER who we are on the inside. From this place we can FEEL our connection to all things and we KNOW that to harm any being is to harm ourSELVES and the whole. Through our trusting our own inner wisdom,we are empowered to choose OTHER-WISE! We can commit to creating a world of peace and harmony and extend dignity and respect to all things. Our separation is an illusion that we no longer experience when we are making music together! Why not BE musical and allow the music to unite us! We have this choice and we are all in this thing together! Through the MUSIC, we remember that we ARE the music....WE are the rhythm...WE ARE THE MAGIC! Come by and experience the magic of Music! DRUMZ is open from noon-6PM Tuesday thru Saturday ! We are right next door to the original Kerbey Lane Cafe on Kerbey Lane and just behind the Buttercup Baby Shoppe! We are in the little passionate purple cottage behind the Buttercup at the end of the planted pathway...hand drumming classes take place Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings at Drumz and we also teach private lessons and small group lessons by appointment. Weekends I often host other teachers at DRUMZ teaching their special areas in percussion! If you would like to be on our DRUMZ NEWZLETTER email list to keep updated on classes, workshops, drum circles etc. please email me and send me your email address ! Send to: sdrumz@austin.rr.com or click on the link here at my site! DRUMZ - 512-453-9090.
In peace,
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